history of computer
history of computer

Computer History Full Timeline

Computer history is very old in ancient times, people had their ways to deal with numbers and data. They used to tie knots in rope and impressed marks on clay to keep track of trade and livestock. the 5000 year ago a machine ABACUS was founded which had a frame with beads strung on wires believed the primary true computer.

In the mid 1600's, Blaise Pascal and his father, working as a tax officer himself, were running project on taxes in France. Both of them spent hours on distribution and figuring taxes owned by each citizen. In 1642, young Blaise determined to fabricate subtraction and an adding machine which could be helper in such a monotonous and time taking procedure.That machine had a set of eight gears and was looking just like odometer.
From 1930, the evolution of computers started. Binary arithmetic is taken the core of the computers. In 1642, ABACUS an early computing machine, created by John Napier and the creation of slide rules by William Oughtred were momentous incidents in the evolution of computers.

First generation, in the evolution of computers is regarded by the utilization of vacuum tubes. Due to vacuum tubes, these computers were heavy and expensive and also they could perform single action a time. In 1937, the first digital electronic computer was devised by John V. Atanasoff. Atanasoff based on a vacuum tube and regenerative memory of capacitor. In the 1960s, vacuum tubes were replaced by transistors with huge size and cost reduction. These computers were the second generation of computers used to take input by punch cards using assembly language.  Afterwards, transistors were replaced by integrated circuits and third generation evolved. ICs were basically small transistors structured on silicon chips of semiconductors. The speed and efficiency both were significantly increased. And Operating systems were introduced for computer-the human interface. Then fourth generation born when thousands of ICs were deposited on silicon chip and microprocessor formed. Now, the fifth generation is developing based on artificial intelligent.

Invented machine came across many of problems. First one, it’s system was always broken down. Second one speed of machine was low and it was expensive. People were fearful to utilize the machine thinking that they may be replaced by machine and will loose their jobs. Later Pascal emerged as great mathematician and philosopher but his input in computer technology is still crucious . One computer language was named Pascal for his honour.
Year Event
2400   BC Abacus was discovered in Babylonia.
500   BC An ancient Indian Sanskrit grammarian Panini formulated the modern formal language theory.
300    BC An ancient Indian scientist Pingala discovered the binary number system which is the foundation of all computing systems.
1614     John Napier designed algorithms by moveable rods to perform the basic mathematical operations.
1822    The first mechanical computer by Charles Babbage.
1937    John V. Atanasoff formulated the first digital electronic computer
1941 electromechanical Z machines by Konrad Zuse
1944 Harvard Mark I, a computer with lesser programmability
1945    John von Neumann structured a stored program architecture
1946    The Electronic Numerical Integrator and Computer (ENIAC) formed
1951 The first business computer UNIVAC I by John Simmons and T. Raymond Thompson
1955    The first transistor computer by Bell Labs
1968 The first mini computer known as PDP-8
1971    Microcomputers installed with microprocessors and Ted Hoff at Intel, introduced 4-bit 4004.
1972    Intel created 8080 microprocessors
1973 A minicomputer Xerox Alto assembled
1975    The first portable computer by Altair
1981 Introduction of the first 32-bit chip by Hewlett-Packard.
1982 Announcement of 80286 processor by Intel.
1985 A 16MHz.80386 processor by Intel
1990     The World Wide Web (WWW) was invented and Tim Berners-Lee developed HTML.
Till date Continuous development of newer versions of computer system

Who Created the First Computer

In the year 1837 before the origin of computers, Charles Babbage as a math professor built an analytical machine, which was the earliest mechanical computer and able to store programs.Most people believe that Konrad Zuse invented the first program controlled computing machine Z1 computer, in the year 1936. Z1 had a64word memory and each ward was of 22 bits. Advance version of Z1 developed and named Z2 and Z3.
history of computer
history of computer

Approximately at the same time of the year 1937, at the Iowa State University, the first electronic digital computer was completed. It was identified ABC abbreviation of Atanasoff-Berry Computer. Clifford Berry and John V. Atanasoff were developed it. The Atanasoff-Berry Computer was the first digital computer.

In the year of 1943, J. Presper Eckert and John Mauchly. initiated a project known as ENIAC abbreviation of Electronic Numerical Integrator and Computer. It was the first re-programmed. computer invented which was digital. This machine used to cover large space and was massive. more than 1500 square feet of space was covered to install it. It contained large number of vacuum tubes, relays, resistors, capacitors, etc. The mammoth machine had weight of almost 30 tons.